Monday, March 10, 2008

Trends discussion of case studies:

1. The University College of Engineering and Technology Malaysia (KUKTEM)

In 2001:
KUKTEM was established specifically to provide education and training in leading edge technologies. Although funded by the government, KUKTEM's board of directors comprises leaders in the automotive engineering and petroleum and gas industry.

In 2003:
KUKTEM invested in an end-to-end Avaya solution – a fully converged network supported by 10GE and wireless LAN, to IP Telephony and contact center applications. KUKTEM with the capacity to handle data traffic up to 10,000 megabits per second, the Avaya 10GbE network provides the huge bandwidth needed to power the paperless environment whereby books, lecture notes and examinations are all online.
KUKTEM has more than 200 faculty and staff and about 1,000 students who are equipped with notebooks to access lecture notes, books and examinations online, thanks to the host of solutions from Avaya. One example of the applications is the Library-on-Server application, which allows students to download or read online books stored on the server. This drastically reduces manpower, maintenance and upkeep costs needed to manage a large physical library of books. All lecturers attend meetings with their computer notebooks and tap KUKTEM's wireless LAN. By doing so, meeting minutes and notes can be disseminated and shared immediately afterwards, helping to both minimize and speed administrative work. First online examination was scheduled September this year.
In 2004:
KUKTEM had 3604 voice/network nodes and near limitless wireless access powered by hundreds of Avaya Wireless throughout the 29 buildings of the KUKTEM campus. All endpoints, access points and gateways rode on the 10GE network that carried voice and data on this single backbone. At KUKTEM, Avaya Interactive Response (IR) system is integrated with their campus management system for students, staff and public to provide information, results and around-the-clock scheduling. When the next phase of development is completed, KUKTEM's database will be fully integrated with the IR to provide rapid 24x7 €services to call-in requests.
In 2006:
KUKTEM planned to extend the same connectivity and services found at the main campus to lecturers and students at the first remote campus which was built the same year.

2. Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2005

Barney Dalgarno from School of Education, Charles Sturt University and Anthony Chan, Peter Adams, Phil Roy and Daryl Miller from School of Computing and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University had done a research on campus and distance student attitudes towards paperless assessment and feedback. This paper reports on a large-scale trial of paperless submission, marking and return of assignments at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2005.

A simple extension of manual paper-based marking is the use of technologies to digitise and deliver the paper submissions to remote markers. Another extension of paper-based submission and feedback is the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) equipment to automatically mark multiple choice test papers. An alternative is the use of online quiz systems which provide immediate feedback to learners.

The major benefit that technology can provide in this context is in supporting the process of submitting, marking and returning student assignments. Electronic submissions of students’ work can be marked either in an online or offline state. In the online state, the assessment is marked while linked to the server usually via the Internet. Online marking systems tend to be limited in their capabilities for providing feedback embedded within the students’ work, and can involve usability problems. Offline marking systems, which involve downloading the students’ work and then marking it using desktop tools, before uploading the marked assignments have the potential to provide a richer range of marking options and improved usability.

At CSU, students enroll in subjects either in Distance Education (DE) mode or Internal (on campus) mode. DE students are provided with three options when submitting written assignments. They can hand deliver their assignments to a CSU campus, mail them, or submit them via CSU’s purpose built Electronic Assignment Submission and Tracking System (EASTS). EASTS offers comparable functionality to commercial systems like WebCT and Blackboard for uploading assignments electronically; this feature is often referred to as an assignment or digital drop box. Normally assignments submitted via EASTS are printed by CSU’s central Learning Materials Centre (LMC) and then delivered via internal mail to the academic for marking. Once marked, academics return the printed assignments to the LMC, who then mail them back to the students. Internal students normally submit their assignments in a printed form and have them marked in the traditional paper-based way before collecting them during class time.

The paperless marking process consists of three separate processes, namely submission, marking and return. In each case there are a number of alternative approaches that can be used. This section describes and summarises the main hardware configurations, software packages, file formats and feedback styles included in the trial. Evaluation techniques used are closed questions on student questionnaire and open ended questions on student questionnaire.

The results that gain from the respondents, regardless of study mode, would overwhelmingly prefer to submit their assignments electronically. While some students commented that the typewritten feedback was easier to read, the themes of storage, retrieval and access flexibility were more common. There is a sizable minority of students (especially internal students) who either would prefer to receive their feedback through conventional non-electronic means, or are uncertain of their preference. Students are overwhelmingly in favour of the wider use of paperless assignment feedback.

This paper that done by Dalgarno, Chan, Adam, Roy and Miller have reported the results of a survey of students who participated in a large-scale trial of paperless assignment submission, marking and return. The results suggest that students are very positive about the use of paperless approaches to marking. Key advantages identified include reductions in time delays, ability to retrieve feedback while away from home, improved legibility of feedback, reduced printing, confirmation of receipt of assignments, more convenient storage of past assignments and the ability to obtain a replacement copy of lost assignments. Some disadvantages identified included the cost of printing returned assignments, problems with uploading large assignments over slow Internet connections and the possibility of students hacking into each others work.

In conclusion, there was no clear difference between the preference for paperless marking of students studying on campus and at a distance, with the majority of students in all study modes responding positively. This was considered interesting because Internal students have the least to gain from paperless submission and return but are still overwhelmingly positive about it, perhaps reflecting a change in the patterns of work and study for these students. One other interesting finding was that many students expressed a strong preference for receiving feedback via email (e.g. using a push model), while many other students expressed a strong preference for downloading their feedback themselves (ie. using a pull model). This suggests that paperless return systems should provide students with a choice of how to receive their feedback.

3. NTR health varsity becomes paperless organization
9 Jan 2003, 0029 hrs IST , TNN
NTR University of Health Sciences vice-chancellor G Sham Sunder inaugurated the computerized local-area network (LAN) in the university. The NTR-UHS has thus become a paperless university. Medical journals and textbooks could also be shared through the digital network, thereby reducing costs.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout furthers its vision of the digital campus, greatly enhances student services and reduces operating expenses. UW-Stout operated a one-card system on-campus. Digital solution would allow the UW-Stout community to move rapidly toward a cashless, keyless, and paperless university while expanding services to meet the needs of its users. 90% of students activated their cards by visiting the co-branded Stout/Higher One website.

4. CASE STUDY- School of Business, Utah Valley State College

This case study is on School of Business, Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah, 84058. It talks about the perceptions and experiences of students in a paperless accounting class. Steve Teeter, Susan R. Madsen, Jason Hughes, and Brent Eagar had done a research in this school.
Faculty members at one U.S. institution designed and offered a paperless accounting course that utilized a variety of technologies. This study explored student perceptions regarding the satisfaction and effectiveness of three of these technologies: 1)the Classroom Performance System (CPS) response pad (clicker) from, 2) Tablet PC (teacher use); and 3) a course management system.

The primary purpose of this research study was to explore student satisfaction and attitudes regarding cutting-edge classroom technologies. This research asks the overarching question, “What are the student perceptions of satisfaction and effectiveness before and after completing an undergraduate paperless financial accounting course?”

Classroom Performance System (CPS) response pad (clicker) is a wireless response system that provides students and the instructor with immediate feedback; gathers assessment data during class; exercises reinforce learning objectives and skills taught.Tablet PC for a chalk board. Lectures can be saved and put online.

This study included 62 students who were primarily computer science, technology management, and business management majors. Students were given 15 open-ended probing questions. These questions were designed to extract information about the students’ experiences and perceptions of the educational technologies used. Qualitative data were collected through the three written
reflection assignments. Students were awarded points for completion and not content of these assignments. Reflection questions were posted on the course management system and students were asked to use the Mailbox or Assignment function to submit responses via confidential submission directly to the instructor. The instructors read the responses for grading purposes. A research assistant downloaded the responses into a structured word processing document for further analysis.

The first reflection assignment asked students about their perceptions of the paperless class. Overall, most of the students made positive statements regarding the heavy use of technology in this course and, interestingly, many of these students also expressed some apprehension or concern as well. Although there were some initial concerns among students, most of the students were positive as they anticipated the benefits of the paperless accounting classroom experience.
Students were asked to reflect on their experiences related to three of the technologies used in this course: clicker (CPS system), the use of a Tablet PC by one of the instructors, and the course management system. In the professor’s section, 96 percent of the students who responded (n=28) said that they enjoyed or liked the CPS system, and 93 percent of the respondents commented that the immediate feedback was a major reason for their satisfaction.
Fifty-seven percent commented that they would recommend the CPS system to other professors and students, and 32 percent stated that more teachers should use this system in their classrooms. No student said they would not recommend it. Although they liked it, 21 percent cited cost as an issue or concern while 54 percent said cost was not an issue. Nearly 30 percent of the students stated that the CPS system enhanced their learning, 21 percent felt it made learning easier, and 14 percent noted slight problems with the CPS system which did not detract from its benefit.

The second section’s results were quite different (n=22). While 45 percent wrote that they could see some helpful aspects of the CPS, including immediate feedback (23 percent), only 14 percent said they would recommend it. Sixty-eight percent reported that the cost was an issue or a waste primarily because the instructor only used it three or four times during the whole semester. They resented spending money and not having the instructor utilize it. Interestingly, 77 percent of the students felt that they could obtain benefits from this system if it were used correctly. Over half of the respondents noted that the system should have been used more often, and 32 percent stated that the instructor wasted time getting the CPS set up each class period. Students said that the adjunct instructor “needed more training” on the system. Over 60 percent noted problems stemming from the instructor not taking the technology “seriously” or his lack of preparation to use such a technology tool.
Tablet PC. Fifty percent of the students found that that the Tablet PC saved class time and was easy to follow (54 percent). Twenty-seven percent explained that it helps the instructor interact with the students, and 27 percent said that more instructors should use it. All students said they would recommend that the professor continue to use this technology. A few provided suggestions for improved visibility of the screen from the back of the classroom. In conclusion, we found a strong positive reaction to the use of the PC Tablet. In fact, all of the students in the classroom responded enthusiastically to its use. They felt that it was much more effective than traditional use of a chalkboard. It enabled the instructor to add significantly to his presentation and discussions. Students enjoyed their involvement.

Course Management System. The course instructors used six primary components of the integrated course management system: grades, chat rooms, emails, reflection submissions, announcements, and discussions. Most of the students (78 percent) found the course management system to be at least partially useful, while 31 percent did not like the major components of the system. Positive comments revolved around having a place to easily access grades and assignments (29 percent), easy communication with the instructor (12 percent), organizational benefits (10 percent), and convenience. Most students did not sound overly excited about the technology (compared to responses about the Tablet PC) but found the system at least somewhat useful. The students used this technology primarily to access grades, send emails to the instructor, and to submit their reflections for this study. They completed the discussions only because the y were assigned, and they did not use the chat. It was clear that most students wanted to make the course as simple as possible and did not want to use any optional system elements.

They had met several limitations with this research study such as the exploratory nature of this research, different instructors for each section of the course, take into account perceptions related to student technological ability when entering the course, the student’s actual technology proficiency prior to the class was not assessed and the context in which this study was undertaken was the U.S.A. This study is at least a start in scratching this surface. Although educating adults is a complex phenomenon, the discovery of potentially effective strategies and pedagogies is most beneficial for those who love their profession and have the desire to make a difference at the grassroots level.

5. Sun Life Financial with RightFax and FileNet

Sun Life Financial is a leading international financial services organization providing a diverse range of wealth accumulation and protection products and services to individuals and corporate customers.

Five years ago, Sun Life Financial was a paper-tied company. Much of the documentation employees worked with were faxed in and out on manual fax machines. This process compromised employee productivity time by requiring employees to manually scan faxes in order to save them in the company’s imaging system (a system designed to store, manage and retrieve documents).

The Sun Life Financial initiative to become a paperless office meant finding a better way to manage faxed documents. Sun Life Financial realized the power of e-document delivery that brings incoming faxes into a computer (instead of a paper-based fax machine) and allows outgoing faxes to be sent from the computer as well. Sam Aidonidis, systems developer at Sun Life Financial said the company’s research showed RightFax to be the market leader in fax server and e-document delivery technology. The company has been using RightFax technology for approximately five years and its installation has grown from one RightFax fax server to five servers in all: two RightFax Business Servers and three RightFax Enterprise Servers.

On top of its RightFax servers, Sun Life Financial added the RightFax Connector for Panagon Image Services, which integrates RightFax capabilities with Panagon Image Services from FileNET Corporation. Panagon Image Services is a high-volume digital image server for storing, retrieving, and managing transactional content and objects of all types. With the Connector for Panagon, Sun Life Financial has created an efficient and intelligent channel for storing and accessing the extremely high volumes of business-critical content transmitted via fax. Key data points can be captured from inbound fax content so that the electronic document can be indexed and automatically routed. The process provides an added layer of security and data loss prevention as well.
Aside from the RightFax/FileNET integration – which supports approximately 16 inbound and eight outbound lines – Sun Life Financial also utilizes the RightFax Gateway for Lotus Notes. Aidonidis said employee productivity spikes even higher faxing directly from Notes and the implementation of RightFax technology has allowed his group to eliminate 45 fax machines. RightFax and FileNET help they make sure work is being done quickly and ensures they don’t lose revenue or clients because of an inability to track work.
In conclusion, Captaris and RightFax not only align well with Sun life Financial’s values: The company is good to work with, the products are customer-focused and add value, but also made it becomes a paperless office.

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