Monday, March 10, 2008

Analysis of Survey Question 10:

10. As a student, what you think you should do in order to create a paperless environment if the teaching method in campus still use a lot of papers?

a. Discuss the issue with the lecturers
b. Reuse papers for printing assignments or notes
c. Just follow the requirements of lecturers
d. Others_______________________

The Pareto Chart above shows that most of the students can create a paperless environment in USM campus if the teaching method still use a lot of papers (unchanged) by reusing papers. However, there are also a large number of students will follow the lecturer’s requirement to use papers without taking any own initiative to create a paperless environment. Around 20% of students are brave enough to discuss the matter with their lecturers whereas 4% of students will use other method.

1 comment:

kaihong said...

d. Others
take lecturer notes from senior.
upload all the tutorial and assignment to lecture.